Monday, June 14, 2010

Arbor Road 500 and BBQ Fun!

I love Pinewood Derby Day at our church! Moms & Dads, grandparents & kids all having fun together, eating great food, and cheering for their favorite race car. Kids are so proud to walk up to me and turn in their car that they (and their dad?) have worked so hard on. My job is the best job of the day. I sit at the "impound" table and weigh in their cars when they are turned in.

Here's our Master Chef Gary Wahlstrom, who always does a great job cooking a great meal for us!

Here are the DAHL KIDS (???) making some last minute adjustments to their car.

Congratulations to everyone who participated! Great job on those cars. They were awesome! And congrats to our winners especially!

Preschool / Kindergarten Division
1st Place Best Design: Dylan Medley
1st Place Fastest Car: Adelina Ordanes

1st & 2nd grade Division:
1st Place Best Design: Alexander Hamilton
1st Place Fastest Car: Alexander Hamilton

3rd - 5th Grade Division:
1st Place Best Design: Lilly Bullard
1st Place Fastest Car: Bryce Love

Youth & Adult Division:
1st Place Best Design: Ian Book
1st Place Fastest Car: Ian Book

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