Back by popular demand! Children's choir will resume February 10 for Kindergarteners through Sixth Grade. In December, our musical was only 20 minutes long, and our Kindergarteners did great, but this musical is a little longer (about 35 minutes) and a little more challenging, but we have an extra special job for them, so I think it's going to be great!
The next musical we're going to begin working on is called "Sermon on the Mound" by my all time favorite children's composer, Celeste Clydesdale. This musical is actually a few years old, but it's still a favorite of mine, and we've never done it here at LFC! (My kids Stephen and Emily were both in this musical when they were in 2nd grade, and it was a blast!)
Here's what Celeste has to say about "Sermon on the Mound."
"For quite some time it has been my desire to write about the importance for believers to put on the armor of God. (Ephesians 6:10-18) The baseball uniform correlated perfectly - then the musical seemed to take shape. In Matthew, chapter four and five, we see that Jesus spent 40 days and nights in the desert, praying and being tempted by Satan. He defeated Satan by standing firm and responding with the very Word of God. After these victories, He began His public ministry by teaching the Sermon on the Mount, and teaching us how to pray. Our "Head Coach" is the Lord. We are the team (the church), encouraging one another and uniting our hearts to stand firm in this spiritual battlefiedl. We need to take time out to train and pray before we can be effective Christians in this world. Every one of God's children need to know the incredible value of hiding God's Word in their hearts. How else can we possibly put on the "Helmet of Salvation," hold up our "Shield of Faith," and be ready to respond at the appropriate times with the "Sword of the Spirit"? Through SERMON ON THE MOUND I pray that God will use the baseball analogy to help our children see the battle that is reality... is your armor on?So kids, I really hope you can join us beginning February 10, at 4:00 pm. The musical will be performed on May 18 in our morning service. More details soon about auditions, etc. BATTER UP!